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Night Guard 

If you are grinding your teeth at night, night guards are a great solution to prevent you from damaging your teeth. Many of us don’t even realize that we grind our teeth at night, so a comprehensive exam with Dr. Kooner is important to find out whether there are signs of wear on your teeth. Since you only get one set of permanent teeth, allowing them to be worn down will only lead to more discomfort and costs to repair them in the future. 

What to expect

There are many different types of night guards available over the counter, but most dentists advise against them because they are not customized to your teeth and bite. These night guards can cause more discomfort.

It is best to visit a dentist if you are interested in a night guard. When you visit Wasaga Dental, Dr. Kooner will examine your teeth to for any damage caused by grinding, and we can determine the best treatment options for your case. When making a full night guard, we will take digital scan of your teeth and bite to make a custom night guard that has a comfortable fit and accounts for your bite and grinding patterns. 



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